Lecture 9 /21/2010
While I have a massive amount more respect for Candy Depew than I do for party going, jet setting, unproductive and talented rock stars, I would still argue that Candy lives the life. During this lecture she ooozed cool and the slides of her work more than backed up her general attitude. The nonchalance of sentences describing her travels, who she's worked with, and all-in-all her life would probably put her in Andy Warhol's factory had he still been alive. But, now that I think of it, they probably wouldn't roll in the same crew. She's a little more BA than Andy. This lecture was by far one of the coolest and more inspiring. I want to go over seas and work with a bunch of really cool people and then come back and help other people do the same. I have complete respect for and wish more people practiced the apprenticeship program that Candy very strongly believes in. As artists, we sometimes need a support system, a tribe of people with elders and leaders who guide you to where you need to be and, in return, you guide others. The art / creative world can be a cold and lonely place. I wish there were more people like Candy.
thank you